Behavioral refers to one of the seven dimensions of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), which emphasizes that the behavior selected for intervention must be observable, measurable, and in need of improvement for the learner. The focus is on behaviors that are socially significant and directly impact the learner’s quality of life.
In an ABA program designed to help a child with autism, the behaviorBehavior refers to any activity or action that living organ... analyst identifies disruptive vocal outbursts during class time as a target behavior. This behavior is selected because it disrupts the learning environment and impacts the child’s ability to focus and interact with peers. The analyst measures the frequencyFrequency or Count is a simple measure of how often a par... of these vocal outbursts and designs an intervention to reduce them. By focusing on this specific, observable behavior, the intervention directly addresses an area that requires improvement, aligning with the “behavioral” dimension of ABA.