BehaviorBehavior refers to any activity or action that living organ... Contrast occurs when a change in the rateRate is a measure of how often a behavior occurs within a... of reinforcement in one context leads to an opposite change in the behavior’s frequencyFrequency or Count is a simple measure of how often a par... in another context. Specifically, when a behavior is reduced in one setting due to a decrease in reinforcement, it may increase in a different setting where reinforcement remains the same or increases.
A student talks out of turn frequently in both math and reading classes. The teacher implements a reinforcement strategy to reduce this behavior during math class, and the student begins talking out of turn less often in that class. However, the student then starts talking out of turn more frequently in reading class, where no intervention has been appliedApplied means that the behaviors targeted for change in ABA.... This is behavior contrast—a reduction in behavior in one context leading to an increase in another.