In AppliedApplied means that the behaviors targeted for change in ABA... BehaviorBehavior refers to any activity or action that living organ... Analysis (ABA), level refers to the value on the vertical axis (y-axis) of a graph that represents the degree or magnitudeMagnitude refers to the strength, force, or intensity of a... of a behavior. It indicates the average rateRate is a measure of how often a behavior occurs within a..., frequencyFrequency or Count is a simple measure of how often a par..., or intensity of the behavior within a particular phase of an intervention or assessment. When analyzing data in ABA, level helps assess whether behavior is occurring at a high, low, or moderate rate.
A behavior analyst is tracking how often a student raises their hand during class. During the baselineIn behavior analysis, baseline refers to the level of a spec... phase, the student raises their hand an average of 2 times per class period. After introducing a reinforcement strategy, the level of hand-raising increases to an average of 6 times per class period. The change in level (from 2 to 6) shows that the intervention had an effect on the behavior, increasing the frequency of hand-raising.