Duplic refers to a verbal operant in which the speaker repeats the verbal behavior of another speaker. The key feature of duplic is that the form of the verbal responseA response is a single occurrence or instance of a behavi... matches the form of the antecedent verbal stimulusStimulus is defined as any change in the environment or for... (e.g., repeating spoken words, signing in response to another’s sign, or writing in response to a written prompt). The duplic operant includes responses such as echoics (repeating what someone says), mimicking signs, or copying text.
A therapist says “dog,” and the child immediately repeats the word “dog.” This is an example of duplic because the child is repeating the verbal behavior (echoicEchoic is a type of verbal operant in which the form of the...) of the therapist. The child is not asked to name the object or describe it, just to repeat the spoken word.