A Multiple StimulusStimulus is defined as any change in the environment or for... Preference Assessment with Replacement (MSW) is a method used to identify an individual’s preferred items or activities by presenting multiple choices at once. After the individual selects an item, it is replaced in the array for the next round of selection, while the non-selected items are replaced as well. This procedure helps identify which items are consistently preferred over others by allowing the individual to choose from the same set of items multiple times.
A teacher is trying to determine which toys a child prefers during playtime. The teacher presents five toys (e.g., a car, a ball, a puzzle, a doll, and a book). The child selects the car and plays with it. After the child is done, the teacher places the car back into the array along with the other four toys. This process is repeated several times, and the teacher records how often the child selects each item. If the child consistently chooses the car, it is identified as a strong preference.