Multiple Schedule of reinforcement involve the use of two or more different reinforcement schedules presented in an alternating, typically random, sequence. Each schedule has its own specific set of rules for reinforcement and is associated with a distinct discriminative stimulus (SD)Discriminative Stimulus (SD) is an antecedent stimulus th... that signals which schedule is in effect. The schedules alternate, and the target behaviorBehavior refers to any activity or action that living organ... is the same under each schedule, but the reinforcement criteria differ based on the active schedule and its corresponding SD.
A teacher is using a multiple schedule to increase a student’s on-task behavior. During math class, when the green light (SD) is on, the student receives reinforcement after every 5 minutes of staying on task (fixed interval schedule). During reading class, when the red light (SD) is on, the student receives reinforcement after completing a certain number of reading tasks (fixed ratio schedule). The student learns to adjust their behavior based on the SD because each light signals a different reinforcement schedule.